Our doctors work in a partnership and as a group. Although you are registered with the practice, you may see any of the doctors in the partnership.
Having made a choice it is advisable to see the same doctor whenever possible, especially for follow up of a continuing problem.
Dr John J. Edwards (m)
GMC No: 3334148
Dr Elizabeth Cottrell (f)
GMC No: 6145537
Salaried GPs
Dr Junaid Tipu (m)
Salaried GP
GMC No: 6127702
Dr Ansuman
Dikpati (m)
Salaried GP
GMC No: 6040951
Dr Neil Amison (m)
Salaried GP
BSc (Hons) MBChB MRCGP (2019) RCPathME
GMC No: 7047270
Dr Sneha Rathod (f)
Salaried GP
(on maternity leave)
GMC No: 7614745
GMC Number refers to the General Medical Council Medical Register.
Locum GPs
We now have a number of locum GPs working at the practice to support the delivery of GP care to our patients.
GP Registrars
Dr Katie Marino (f)
Dr Paul Beaney (m)
Dr Kehinde Falayi (m)
Wolstanton Medical Centre is a training practice for General Practitioner Registrars and doctors in training. These are fully trained doctors with a wealth of hospital experience who are being trained for the Primary Care setting.
Training may involve shared surgeries with another doctor and video surgeries. The reception staff will inform you if the consultations are being filmed. Please say if you would prefer not to be filmed.
Clinical Team
Nurse Practitioners
Karen Smith (f)
Nurse Practitioner
NMC no: 86I3128E
Stephanie Ridgway (f)
Nurse Practitioner
NMC no: 18I0963E
Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners are highly experienced nurses who have undergone additional training to manage certain problems without the need to see a doctor.
They are able to prescribe certain drugs, and are always able to seek further advice from one of the doctors immediately, if necessary.
Physicians Associates
Peter Magee (m)
Physicians Associate
Elita Unyolo-Dorkins (f)
Physicians Associate
Physician Associates are qualified healthcare professionals who work as part of our multidisciplinary team with supervision from our GP’s. Our Physician Associates are able to carry out examinations to assess, formulate and deliver appropriate management plans. Currently, Physician Associates are not able to prescribe or order imaging, however, these will be issued by the supervising GP. The supervising GP may also review you during your appointment when needed.
Practice Nurses
Laura Fitzjohn– McIntyre (f)
Practice Nurse
NMC no: 18I0523E
Hannah Ricketts (f)
Practice Nurse
NMC no: 23H1927E
Appointments can be made with them for assessment and treatment of minor ailments, cervical smears, dressings, ear syringes, immunisations, etc. Health Services provided by our Nursing Team.
Health Care Assistants
Sharon Fox (f)
Natalie Millward (f)
Mollie Spencer (f)
Health Care Assistants (HCAs) have a supportive role in the medical centre, and work under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.
Stephanie Kelly-Leese (f)
Associate Practitioner
Care Coordinator
District Nurses
The District Nurses are based at a number of centres. They may be contacted by telephone on 0300 124 0092.
For more information please see District Nursing.
Health Visitors
The Health Visitors can be contacted on 0300 303 3923. They run a number of drop clinics at different centres. For more information see Newcastle Health Visitors Clinics.
The practice has an attached Midwife who is based at Bradwell Hospital and can be contacted on 0300 123 0905 ext 6161.
Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN)
If you feel you may benefit from seeing a CPN, it will be necessary to see one of the doctors first to identify how you may best be helped.
First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs)
The role of First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) in Primary Care is to assess patients with soft tissue, muscle and joint pain and to decide on the most appropriate management pathway.
FCPs are physiotherapists with expertise in the assessment and management of Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions.
Please ask at Reception for an appointment with Sheena (f).
Social Prescribing
Your Link Worker, Helen (f) works alongside GPs and other staff in your Doctors Surgery.
Find our more about Social Prescribing.
Mental Health Practitioner
Marie (f)
Mark (m)
Sally (f)
You can book directly with Marie, our Mental Health Practitioner via our reception.
She will consult with people of any age with new or existing mental health problems.
Health & Wellbeing Coach
Megan (f)
Management and Administration
Practice Manager
Leila Dakin (f)
Practice Manager
Chloe (f)
PA to the Practice Manager
Leila is responsible for the day to day running and organisation of the practice with the assistance of Chloe.
Charlene (f)
Senior Receptionist
Lorna (f)
Karen (f)
Taylor (f)
Joy (f)
Mollie (f)
Judith (f)
Clare (f)
Debbie (f)
Lauren (f)
Christina (f)
Chloe (f)
Administration and Secretaries
Laura (f)
Senior Administrator
Debbie (f)
Rebecca (f)
Natasha (f)
Sharon (f)
Marie (f)