NHS screening (including cancer screening) information for transgender, non-binary and gender fluid service users

Screening is a way of identifying apparently healthy people who may have an increased risk of a particular condition. The NHS offers a range of screening tests to different sections of the population. The types of screening people are eligible for depends upon age and the gender assigned at birth.

The gender people are registered as at their General Practice (GP) will influence whether people are contacted for their routine screens. The leaflet below has been created to provide information on NHS screening eligibility for patients whose gender identity differs from the gender assigned at birth.

If you are eligible for any of the screenings mentioned on this leaflet but have not been sent an invite, please use the contact information provided on the leaflet to enquire about eligibility & arranging the screening:

Dedicated LGBTQIA+ support

Galop supports LGBTQI+ people who have experienced abuse and violence – their support includes an Abuse and Violence Helpline, online community and a wealth of information

Marie Curie information for LGBTQ+ people who are living with a terminal illness

Mermaids provides support to trans, non-binary and gender diverse children, young people and their families

Staffordshire Sexual Health Charity provides support, advice and education around sexuality, gender, HIV and sexual wellbeing within Staffordshire

Trans-Staffordshire is an organisation that brings the trans community of Staffordshire and Stoke together to meet socially, provide support and offer peer advice for trans people.